Daily Ui #028 – Contact Us

Challenge: Design a Contact Us page or form. Is it for customer support? A purchase inquiry? To schedule an appointment? Think about a scenario and the most important feature it would require. 

Daily Ui #028 sketches

Daily Ui #028 Sketches

This challenge was more successful than the last challenge because I made the website in a layout where the user needs to give their email, phone number, address so the brand can contact them. I would change the address to a name because it would make sense if the user could put their name down instead of having their address down. How is the company going to contact them without a name? I guess if they already subscribe to the website or the company, I don’t think the name is necessary in that case but this case I think a name form should be present for this illustration I did. Overall, I think I did a pretty good job with the colors and making it match the company’s name. Here is the illustration below.

Daily Ui #028 Illustration

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